Friday, February 11, 2011

It's a Green Agora

Dear AEGEEans

The Agora Alicante team will make an extra effort to reduce the impact of our Agora and make it as sustainable as we can. What does it mean?

No, you will not be punished if you come by plane (European security control is enough torture).
No, you will not be forced to hug a tree to receive your welcome pack (palm trees are thorny).
No, you will not need to have cold showers to save energy.

Our Agora will be green because, from the very beginning and at each planning stage, we try to think about different alternatives that can be better for the environment; all this ideas should not make the Agora way too much expensive / complicated. Sometimes it is possible to find an alternativeway to do things, some times not. Sometimes is even more convenient for us to make the green solution! The good thing is that, as we started thinking about it before the first decissions were made, more creative solutions can be implemented now with less effort. As a resource, we have all the background from the Sustaining our Future project and the Environmental WG (EnWG) to use as an isnpiring material :D and we plan to collaborate with Universities for infrastructure.

Of course, this would not be possible without the involvement and work of part of the Agora Team that are members of the Green Team! Great work, and still so many things to do!

Greenly yours!

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