There are very interesting archeaological sites in the region. Some of them can be visited, and they stand for one of the best options for an outdoor activity. But when you don't have that much time, or when the weather is rainy as it may be the case in April ("Ne'er cast a clout till May be out", as my grandma would say if she was from Stoke-on-Trent), you can still enjoy history and latest technologies in the Archaeological Museum of Alicante, also known as MARQ.
It is a modern museum, recognised with the European Museum of the Year Award in 2004, which reunites all we know about the past of the region of Alicante and presents it with a mix of old and new technologies. Moreover, it has a tradition of hosting exhibitions coming from all the world, and in the past years we have enjoyed the presence of the famous Discobolus, and some egyptian mummies. This year, ceebrating the year of cooperation Spain-Russia, our guest is the Hermitage Museum of Санкт-Петербург (Saint Petersburg). It is a pity that the artist who did the advertising panel did not make the effort of learning Cyrillic alphabet...
Posted by Miguel