Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Meet the team: Antonio

Antonio in 10 questions...
  1. Have you met Antonio? Yes -> go to #5 | No -> go to # 7
  2. Maybe this is not the place to explain this system, but certainly I can tell you the number of points depends on 3 factors: with whom, what and where.... I hope these are enough clues to guess what is this system about. Go to #10
  3. Did you know he introduced it into AEGEE? Amazing, isn't it?? And do you know about his special version of the AEGEE point system? Yes -> go to #10 | No -> go to #2
  4. If you have said "tall", that's true, but it's not an adjective of his personality, so go to #8. Ok, but do you know the main achievements of his AEGEEan life? Yes -> go to #5 | No -> go to #9
  5. I guess now I have nothing more to add. You already know what is Antonio able to do and his marvelous personality. Just don't miss the chance to speak with him! ;)
  6. Melon-Sandia is one of the most famous energizers in AEGEE. No one miss the oportunity to do it. A introductory spanish lesson (names of the fruits in spanish) combined with spicy movements and a lot of fun, make Melon-Sandia unforgetable for those who try it! Go to #3
  7. Have you ever done the energizer Melon-Sandia? Yes -> go to #3 | No -> go to #6
  8. Friendly, open-minded, party animal, clever, eager to learn and to teach, serious when he it comes the moment, patient... Those are just few of the adjectives I could say about him, but actually the list is endless! Go to #4
  9. Member of his board during 2 years (right now as President), organizer in 3 events of YiA in Madrid, 2 SUs, several LTCs, designer of most of the stuff in the events where he was organizer... and all this while working 8h/day in a job. Impressive, uh? Go to #5
  10. Don't hesitate to ask him about this system! One of the main characteristics of Antonio is how amusing he can be telling a story. Could you tell me more adjectives to describe his personality? Yes -> go to #4 | No -> go to #8
                                         Posted by Juanola


  1. Antoniooooo, you are simply the best ! :-D
    Hugs from Serbia:* See u soon , my friend .

  2. Yes, I have one REALLY important thing to add: he's able to talk about EVERYTHING :) (how is that possible that he's still single? ;);)

  3. hahaah Coral ,then we will make a contest...Ladiessssssss come on :-))))


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