Saturday, April 23, 2011

Meet the team: Pilar y Rakel, aka Murcian Sisters

You cannot find two sisters more different and, at the same time, so similar.

Pilar and Rakel, Rakel and Pilar. They are a stream of energy and creativity. They are responsible (working as a clockwork couple) for the visual identity of our Agora: the logo, the design of the web, the tshirts, the promo video for the tshirts, stickers, the badges that Zare proposed... And also the info signs during the event (they are just fresh out of the printing and they are great!).

Pilar, sister of Rakel
But what I like more from them is how enthusiastic they are now with the Agora project, spending sleepless nights in front of the computer, and cheering everyone with their emails. This is a clear sign on how such a project can inspire people and help them to become part of a team, share responsibilities, contribute in discussions and propose ideas. This Agora would not have been the same without any of them.
Rakel, sister of Pilar

The two sisters (and also Carol and more people from Murcia like Alberto and Gabriel) are willing that the whole team travels finally to Murcia, their home town, so they can show us around hat nice city. We did not manage to do it for the pre-Agora meetings, but I am looking forward to go there for the evaluation weekend. I am sure they have already many ideas.

In AEGEE-Alicante there is a tradition: we love brothers and sisters, specifically when they are twins (or they seem to be). Starting from Saioa and Neila, several couples of brothers or sisters have contributed to the growth of this antenna (Miguel adds: even my brother was active in AEGEE for a while; I was more than once surprise-kissed in an Agora by a random girl who had been SUing with my brother).

Not only the Agora, now Rakel has joined the brand new PRC and designed the new logo! And I am sure these sisters will be rocking AEGEE in the next years.

Posted by Miguel

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